Lärosal Ragnar Granit
Våningsplan 3 i Biomedicum med plats för 65 deltagare.

HDMI / VGA + minitele för ljud
Projektorer för dubbel presentationsvy
3 trådlösa headset och 1 trådlös handhållen mikrofon
Pekskärm för styrning
Av-Support Solna
Support på teknisk utrustning i KI's gemensamma bokningsbara lokalerRagnar Granit (1900-1991) was professor of Neurophysiology at the Medical Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology of Karolinska Institutet.
He received the Nobel Prize in 1967 for showing that color vision is coded through three separate afferent channels from retina to the brain, sensitive to different wave lengths.
His laboratory later contributed to many aspects of the control of motion and established that muscle spindles have a separate efferent control.