Lärosal Nils Ringertz
Våningsplan 3 i Biomedicum med plats för 48 deltagare.

HDMI / VGA + minitele för ljud
Projektorer för dubbel presentationsvy
3 trådlösa headset och 1 trådlös handhållen mikrofon
Pekskärm för styrning
Av-Support Solna
Support på teknisk utrustning i KI's gemensamma bokningsbara lokalerNils Ringertz (1932-2002) was a professor in medical cell genetics and established the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, which he was chairing 1988-1996.
He was member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet. During the years 1992-1999 he was the Secretary of the Nobel Committee.
He initiated the Nobel Foundation’s on-line museum, the Nobel e-Museum, which was instrumental for attracting a wider audience for the work of the Nobel Foundation.
He was Editor-in-Chief of the journal Experimental Cell Research from 1987 to 1997. His research was focusing on gene activation and stimulation of quiescent cells to enter the cell cycle using a wide variety of methodologies, including pioneering use of heterokaryons as an experimental model.