Salen Eva & Georg Klein

Våning 3 (entréplan) i Biomedicum med plats för 210 deltagare.

Bookable premises at KI Campus Solna, 201-250 seats


HDMI / VGA + minitele för ljud
Projektorer för dubbel presentationsvy
4 Trådlösa headset, 2 trådlösa handhållna mikrofoner och 3 trådlösa podiemikrofoner
USB-kabel kopplad till kameror och mikrofoner för Teams och Zoom
Fast nätverk (KI-konto) och Wi-Fi
Pekskärm för styrning

205 stolar och 5 platser för rullstol

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Av-Support Solna

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Eva (1925-) and Georg Klein (1925-2016) are pioneers in basic modern cancer research.

Georg as a young medical student escaped to Sweden from  the Budapest holocaust in 1944, later returned to fetch his bride Eva. Finishing their medical studies they joined the laboratory of world reknown Torbjörn Capsersson (Cell Research) and made their theses on tumor progression, deriving a very mordern view. In

1958 they became heads of the new Department of Tumor Biology, shaped for their purpose, and got a building on the Solna Campus for their department in 1960 after fund raising by the Swedish Cancer Society (Cancerfonden). Here they created a very international and cross disciplinary team including  genetics and cytogenetics, tumor virology, immunology and mouse models.

In the 60-ies they laid the foundations for modern cancer immunology leading up to the current successes in treatment and vaccination, subsequently they had seminal roles in the discovery of tumor suppression, gene activation by chromosome translocations and linking Epstein-Barr virus to human cancer.

Georg Klein was a phenomenal communicator in writing and lecturing, employing seven secretaries (when letters were still type written). The combination with the good science and international environment made the department into a leading, international hub for the rising modern tumor biology. Georg Klein also wrote 13 much esteemed books for the general public on the nature of man and popular science. The year he died he received the Bonnier price for best essay book, his last book ”Resistance.


