IPL - Resurser

Här hittar du referenser och litteratur om IPL/IPE interprofessionellt lärande.

Det finns en stor mängd vetenskapliga artiklar, böcker och avhandlingar som berör IPL och IPE på olika sätt. Vi har försökt lyfta fram artiklar med stor vetenskaplig tyngd, så som exempelvis AMEE-guidelines och översiktsartiklar. Gällande böcker har vi för avsikt att framför allt tipsa om litteratur på svenska och enstaka på engelska. Gällande avhandlingar har vi fokuserat på avhandlingar från KI och enstaka andra universitet. Om du tycker att vi bör lägga till en artikel, bok eller avhandling får du gärna tipsa oss!


  • Aldriwesh, M. G., Alyousif, S. M., & Alharbi, N. S. (2022). Undergraduate-level teaching and learning approaches for interprofessional education in the health professions: a systematic review. BMC Medical Education, 22, 1-14.
  • Anderson, E., Smith, R. & Hammick, M. (2016). Evaluating an interprofessional education curriculum: A theory-informed approach Evaluating an interprofessional education curriculum: A theory-informed approach. Medical Teacher, 38:4, 385-394.
  • Barr, H. (2013). Toward a theoretical framework for interprofessional education; CAIPE, London. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27: 4–9.
  • Bogossian, F., New, K., George, K., Barr, N., Dodd, N., Hamilton, A. L., ... & Taylor, J. (2023). The implementation of interprofessional education: a scoping review. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 28(1), 243-277.
  • Gilbert, J.H., Yan, J., & Hoffman, S.J. (2010). A WHO report: framework for action on interprofessional education and collaborative practice. Journal of Allied Health. Suppl 1:196-7. PMID: 21174039.
  • Grimes, T. C., & Guinan, E. M. (2023). Interprofessional education focused on medication safety: A systematic review. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 37(1), 131-149.
  • Hammick, M., Freeth, D., Koppel, I., Reeves, S. & Barr, H. (2007). A best evidence systematic review of interprofessional education: BEME Guide no. 9 M. Medical Teacher, 29:8, 735-751.
  • Hammick, M., Olckers, L. & Campion-Smith, C. (2009). Learning in interprofessional teams: AMEE Guide no 38 (2009) Medical Teacher, 31:1, 1-12.
  • Hall, LW. & Zierler, BK. (2015). Interprofessional Education and Practice Guide No. 1: Developing faculty to effectively facilitate interprofessional education. Journal of Interprof Care, 29(1): 3–7.
  • Hean, S., Anderson, E., Bainbridge, L., Clark, P. G., Craddock, D., Doucet, S., Hammick, M., Mpofu, R., O´Halloran, C., Pitt, R., Oandasan, I., (2013) IN-2-THEORY - Interprofessional theory, scholarship and collaboration: A community of practice, Journal of Interprofessional Care. Jan;27(1):88-90.
  • Hellman, T., Jensen, I., Orchard, C. & Bergström, G. (2016). Preliminary testing of the Swedish version of the Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale (AITCS-S). Journal of Interprofessional Care, 30:4, 499-504.
  • Hosny, S., Thistlethwaite, J., El-Wazir, Y., & Gilbert, J. (2024). Interprofessional learning in practice-based settings: AMEE Guide No. 169. Medical Teacher, 1-13.
  • Orchard, Ca., King, G., Khalili, H. & Bezzina, MB. (2013). Assessment of interprofessional team collaboration scale; Journal of continuing education in the health professions 32(1):58-67.
  • Ponzer, S., Faresjö, T., & Mogensen, E. (2009). Framtidens vård kräver interprofessionellt samarbete; Läkartidningen nr 13 volym 106.
  • Reeves, S., Tassone, M., Parker, K., Susan, J., Wagner, SJ. & Simmons, B. (2012). Interprofessional Education: An Overview of Key Developments in the Past Three Decades; Work 41. IOS Press, 233–245.
  • Reeves, S., Fletcher, S., Barr, H., Birch, I., Boet, S., Davies, N., McFadyen, A., Rivera, J. & Kitto, S. (2016). A BEME systematic review of the effects of interprofessional education: BEME Guide No. 39; Medical Teacher, 38:7, 656-668.
  • Sargeant, J., Hill, T. & Bread, L. (2010). Development and Testing of a Scale to Assess Interprofessional Education (IPE) Facilitation Skills. Journal of continuing education in the health, 30(2):126–131.
  • Shaw, E., Walpole, S., McLean, M., Alvarez-Nieto, C., Barna, S., Bazin, K., ... & Woollard, R. (2021). AMEE Consensus Statement: Planetary health and education for sustainable healthcare. Medical teacher, 43(3), 272-286.
  • Steinert, Y. (2005). Learning together to teach together: Interprofessional education and faculty development. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 19:sup1, 60-75.
  • Thistlethwaite, J., & Moran, M. (2010). Learning outcomes for interprofessional education (IPE): Literature review and synthesis. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 24(5), 503–513.
  • Toth-Pal E, Fridén C, Asenjo ST, Olsson CB. (2020) Home visits as an interprofessional learning activity for students in primary healthcare. Primary Health CareResearch & Development 21(e59): 1–9.
  • van Diggele, C., Roberts, C., & Haq, I. (2021). Optimising student-led interprofessional learning across eleven health disciplines. BMC Medical Education, 21, 1-18.
  • Williams, B., Lynch, M., Olaussen, A., Lachmann, H., Kalén, S., & Ponzer, S. (2018). Translation and psychometric evaluation of the Swedish version of the Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale. Journal of interprofessional care, 32(1), 63-68.


  • Biguet G, Lindquist I, Martin C, Pettersson A. (2015). Att lära och utvecklas i sin profession. Studentlitteratur. Kap 4, sid 81-99.
  • Moyers, P., Finch-Guthrie, P. (2024). Interprofessional evidence-based practice: A workbook for health professionals. Taylor & Francis.
  • Silén, R., Bolander Laksov, K. (red) (2013). Att skapa pedagogiska möten i medicin och vård. Studentlitteratur. kap 3, sid 117-138.
  • Svensk sjuksköterskeförening Svenska läkarsällskapet. (2013). Teamarbete & Förbättringskunskap, två kärnkompetenser för god och säker vård. https://swenurse.se/publikationer/teamarbete-och-forbattringskunskap


  • Hallin, K. (2014). Student outcomes, learning environment, quality of care and patrient safety at an interprofessional training ward. (Doctoral dissertation, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden).
  • Hylin, U. (2010) Interprofessional Education, Aspects on learning together on an interprofessional training ward.(Doctoral dissertation, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden).
  • Lachmann, H. (2013). CONTEXTUAL ACTIVITY SAMPLING - a method to develop clinical interprofessional education. (Doctoral dissertation, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden).
  • Liu, J. (2020). Redesigning an Emergency Department for Interprofessional Teamwork: A Longitudinal Evaluation of the Impact on Patient Flow and Team Behaviour (Doctoral dissertation, Karolinska Institutet (Sweden).
  • Sundberg, K. (2019). Educational leadership in health professions education (Doctoral dissertation, Karolinska Institutet (Sweden).
  • Tran, C. (2023). Students’ Perceptions of Interprofessional Learning and Virtual Patients in Primary Healthcare. Karolinska Institutet (Sweden).
  • Törnqvist, T. (2023). Navigating in a landscape of practices: Healthcare students’ interprofessional collaboration and learning (Doctoral dissertation, Linköping University Electronic Press).
  • Wilhelmsson, M. (2011). Developing Interprofessional Competence. (Doctoral dissertation, Linköping University, Sweden).


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Helena Brodin