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Tänk på att följa de regler som finns kring kassering av utrustning och anläggningstillgångar. Du får bara sälja utrustning som ägs av KI.

TitleKategoriProduktkategoriPrisPubliceringsdatum Sort ascending
Mass spectrometer Orbitrap Fusion with ETD from 2013SellingLab equipment1900000 SEK
Ice making machine for MBB student labBuyingLab equipment1000 SEK
Vacuum aspiration systemBuyingLab equipment0 SEK
Switch to use one Keyboard, mouse and screen switch with 2 computers.Give awayLab equipment0 SEK
Anti-vibration tableSellingLab equipment50000 SEK
Sartorius Minisart™ NML Syringe Filter, Nonsterile/Pack of 500SellingLab equipment13415 SEK
SpectraMax iD3, plate readerSellingLab equipment125000 SEK
FLIM systemGive awayLab equipment0 SEK
Erlab Captair 321 Smart Ductless Fume HoodSellingLab equipment30000 SEK
Waters Synapt G1 (modified for intact mass)SellingLab equipment200000 SEK
CO₂ Incubator, Cell culturing BuyingOffice equipment0 SEK
APC Smart-UPS 2200 XLSellingLab equipment8000 SEK
Bioruptor or a similar SonicatorBuyingLab equipment1 SEK
-80 bridgeBuyingLab equipment0 SEK
Eppendorf vacuum concentrator SellingLab equipment25000 SEK
Swing rotors for Eppendorf Centrifuges 5804BuyingLab equipment120 SEK
Biosafety Cabinet class IIBuyingLab equipment50000 SEK
Server rackGive awayOffice equipment0 SEK
Cryogenic container AIRLIQUIDE GT38 for cryogenic sample storageSellingLab equipment6000 SEK
Vacuum pump SOGEVAC LEYBOLD SV120BIFCSellingLab equipment15000 SEK
Vacuum pump SOGEVAC LEYBOLD SV65BIFCSellingLab equipment7000 SEK
Used Thermo Dionex Ultimate 3000 RSLC Liquid Chromatography systemsSellingLab equipment50000 SEK
Agilent 1200 series LC modulesSellingLab equipment90000 SEK
Selling Socorex Acura® electro pipets (3 pipets plus stand)SellingLab equipment7500 SEK
Femtosecond two-photon laserSellingLab equipment400000 SEK