MBB Retreat 3-5 February at Djurönäset
Important Information Regarding MBB’s Retreat 3-5 February (6 February for Registered Postdocs and PhD Students).
Bus Departure to Djurönäset:
The bus from Karolinska Institutet (KI) will depart at 08:00 AM from Solnavägen 7 on the 3rd of February. It is important that you are on time to ensure a smooth departure.
Bus Departure Back to KI:
The bus will depart from Djurönäset at 09:00 AM on 5th of February. Same time for those that will go home on the 6th of February.
Drink Tickets
Each participant will receive 2 drink tickets per evening. On the first day, you will receive your drink tickets together with your key card when you check in.
Day guests can collect their drink tickets at the reception at Djurönäset.
The drink tickets are valid for beer, wine, cider, and bubbles. Drinks and spirits beyond these options are available at self-cost price.
Spa Access
During your stay, you will have free access to Djurönäset’s spa after completing the day's retreat programme.
On the evenings of 3rd and 4th, you will also have access to the sauna and hot tub, which are open from 21:00 until 23:00.
Party on 4 February
There will be a party with a DJ on the evening of 4th from 21:00 to 02:00.