The President's decision-making procedures and delegation rules
The delegation means that the person to whom a task has been delegated must ensure that satisfactory internal governance and control is maintained within the delegated area of responsibility.
This document was updated and a translation will be posted here. Until then the Swedish version of the document is valid.
- Diarienummer: 1-978/2024
- Dnr föreg. version: 1-304/2023
- Beslutsdatum:
- Giltighetstid: Until further notice
- Beslut: President
- Dokumenttyp: Riktlinjer
- Handläggs av avdelning/enhet: Strategiskt ledningsstöd
- Beredning med: KI's operational units
To be updated
The complete regulations
Rektors besluts- och delegationsordning (PDF, 272.12 KB)