The President's decision-making procedures and delegation rules
The delegation means that the person to whom a task has been delegated must ensure that satisfactory internal governance and control is maintained within the delegated area of responsibility.
- Diarienummer: 1-304/2023
- Dnr föreg. version: 1-786/2022
- Beslutsdatum:
- Giltighetstid: From 2023-03-21
- Beslut: President
- Dokumenttyp: Anvisningar
- Handläggs av avdelning/enhet: Strategiskt ledningsstöd
- Beredning med: KI's operational units
- Revidering med avseende på: Section 6.3 Recruitment committee. Altered composition. This translated English version was
updated 2023-04-05.
Delegation comes with responsibility for handling tasks with high quality and in accordance with current regulations. The person who has been delegated a task has a supervisory duty within the delegated area of responsibility and an obligation to act and report if the task is not carried out in accordance with the delegation or according to current regulations. The delegation means that the person to whom a task has been delegated must ensure that satisfactory internal governance and control is maintained within the delegated area of responsibility.
Decisions regarding delegation to an individual official must be in writing. For all assignments and delegations, there should be a structure or plan that show who steps in in case of absence. In general, a decision-making right may be delegated unless otherwise specified. As a general rule, a delegation returns to the person who gave it if the delegatee is not on duty or for other reasons is prevented; for example, in case of conflict of interest, after the duration of the delegation or if it has been revoked by the person who gave it.