Eva E. Skillgate

Eva E. Skillgate

Visiting Professor
Telephone: +46852487139
Mobile phone: +46709209930
Visiting address: Nobels väg 13, 17177 Solna
Postal address: C6 Institutet för miljömedicin, C6 IIR Axén, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a guest professor of Epidemiology with focus on musculoskeletal problems at the Unit of Intervention and Implementation Research for Worker Health, Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM). My primary position is as Professor in Health Care Science at Department of Health Promoting Science, Sophiahemmet University, Stockholm.

    In my research group Musculoskeletal and Sports Injury Epidemiology Center MUSIC), we perform clinically relevant research about long-lasting pain conditions in the musculoskeletal system including back and neck, mental problems, and sports medicine. Our research is based mainly on our extensive cohort studies and randomized controlled studies. The research group include multi-professional competences such as: epidemiology, biostatistics, naprapathy, physiotherapy, psychology, chiropractic, public health, and nutrition.

    The aim with the research is to deepen the knowledge about health promotion and disease prevention actions, risk and prognostic factors, diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation, and performance. Our research partners are national as well as international research groups, clinics, and specific sports associations such as the Swedish Handball, Football and Tennis associations.

    Among funders for the research are: FORTE, VR, AFA Insurance, CIF (The Swedish Research Council for Sport Science), Sophiahemmet Foundation, Active Life Foundation, The Swedish and Norwegian Naprapathic Associations and Scandinavian College of Naprapathic Manual Medicine.


  • Some of the projects within MUSIC

    I. Randomized controlled trials (RCT):
    We perform clinical trials with the overall aim to evaluate the effect of commonly used treatment strategies including manual therapy for musculoskeletal disorders. We also evaluate interventions to prevent sports injuries.

    1. The BJÖRN-trial (n=409) about the effect of manual therapy (naprapathy) on unspecific back and neck pain, to identified prognostic factors for back and neck pain and to evaluate the cost effectiveness.

    2. The MINT-trial (Manual Intervention Trial) (n=1 060) about the treatment effects of combinations of manual therapy (naprapathy) as well as the occurrence and severity of adverse events directly after manual therapy. Data from the trial is also used to identified prognostic factors for back and neck pain.

    3.The STONE-trial (Stockholm Neck trial) (n = 620) was performed to explore the effect of massage therapy and physical training on sub-acute and long-lasting neck pain, and to study the course of neck pain. Data is also used to identify prognostic factors for future secondary prevention strategies and to perform a health economic evaluation.

    4. The KHAST-trial (Karolinska Handball study) (n=750) aims to evaluate interventions aiming to prevent injuries in the shoulder and knee in students at Handball-profiled High schools in Sweden.

    II. Cohort studies
    We perform prospective cohort studies to understand more about causality for long-lasting and musculoskeletal pain conditions and mental health problems.

    1. The SUN study (Sustainable University Life) (n=4 226): In this extensive prospective cohort study we aim to identify factors of importance for risk and prognosis for mental problems and musculoskeletal pain in university students.

    2. The KHAST study (Karolinska Handball study) (n=470) aims to deepen the knowledge about injuries and the functional status in the shoulder in adolescent elite handball players. A cohort of 470 players, 15-17 years, recruited from handball profiled high schools in Sweden, is followed for two seasons regarding shoulder injuries.

    3. The SHC study (The Swedish handball cohort) aims to deepen the knowledge about injuries in adolescent elite handball players, and to evaluate the implementation of injury prevention strategies. Players are included consecutively and up to date >1 000 players are included.

    4. The KIC study (Karolinska Football Injury Cohort) (n=419): This project is an innovative collaboration between epidemiology, medicine, psychology, orthopaedics, physiotherapy and naprapathy, composed of research groups at five universities, to identify risk factors for overuse and traumatic injuries. Young female elite footballers are included, and screen clinically after having filled in an extensive baseline questionnaire and followed with weekly surveys search questions, separately for common but unexplored risk factors and pain sights.

    5. The SMASH study (Shoulder Management & Assessment Serving High performance) (n=301) : In this cohort study of young competitive tennis players in Sweden, we aim to deepen the knowledge about risk factors for injuries in the shoulder and spine. The players were screened clinically and followed one year with weekly reports about injuries, training, and match play.

    6. SPEEiD18 (Speed and Power Exploring External and internal Demands 2018) – A project aiming to quantify the load in elite tennis players by measuring oxygen uptake and mechanical workload, a unique project which integrates physiology and biomechanics.


  • I am part of the Doctoral Education Group at IMM, and the Director of Research Education at Sophiahemmet University. I teach regularly at courses on bachelor, master, and doctoral levels, mainly in research methods with focus on clinical epidemiology and interventional studies.