Arnaud Tognetti

Arnaud Tognetti

Telefon: +46852483284
Besöksadress: Nobels väg 9, 17165 Stockholm
Postadress: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 Psykologi M Olsson, 171 77 Stockholm

Om mig

  • My interdisciplinary research projects focus on the evolutionary and
    psychological mechanisms underlying human cooperation and behavioural


  • An interdisciplinary approach
    My work focuses on the evolutionary and psychological mechanisms underlying
    human cooperation and our behavioural immunity. I expanded my initial
    approach based on behavioural ecology by developing research programs
    including approaches from behavioural economics and psychology. My research
    has covered topics such as the influence of sexual selection on the evolution
    of cooperation and the existence of phenotypic cues (facial, vocal or
    olfactory) of cooperativeness and sickness. I have also expanded the scope of
    my research to include cross-species comparison by testing the influence of
    cooperativeness on mate choice in two other social species,
    the mound-building mouse and sociable weavers. My new research project
    'To avoid or not to avoid? The influence of kinship on the behavioral
    defense against infectious diseases' financed by the Swedish Research
    Council investigates the existence of phenotypic cues of disease and their
    influence on interpersonal decision-making, and how kinship mediates our
    approach-avoidance behaviours towards sick individuals.