Camilla Malinowsky

Camilla Malinowsky

Lektor | Docent
Telefon: +46852483877
Besöksadress: Alfred Nobels Allé 23, 14183 Huddinge
Postadress: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Arbetsterapi, 171 77 Stockholm

Om mig

  • Jag disputerade 2011 med avhandlingen Managing technology in everyday
    activites: A study of older adults with dementia, MCI, and no cognitive
    impairment. [1] Efter disputationen har jag haft post-doktortjänster på
    Luleå Tekniska Universitet och på KI. För närvarande arbetar jag vid
    Sektionen för arbetsterapi som utbildningsansvarig för
    arbetsterapeutprogrammet och som biträdande forskargruppsledare i
    forskargruppen CACTUS (Cognitive Accessibility and Technology Use when Ageing
    in home and Society) [2]. Min forskning handlar om delaktighet i samhället
    för främst äldre personer med kognitiv nedsättning. En stor del av
    forskningen handlar om att undersöka matchningen mellan teknikanvändare med
    kognitiv funktionsnedsättning och de specifika krav som vardagstekniska
    föremål och tjänster (inklusive e-hälsa) ställer på användarna. I
    denna forskning används ofta bedömningarna Everyday Technology Use
    Questionnire (ETUQ) [3] och/eller Management of Everyday Technology
    Assessment (META) [4]. Min forskning innefattar också studier
    av tillgänglighet till och användbarhet hos platser och aktiviteter i
    offentlig miljö (främst utanför hemmet) för personer med kognitiv
    funktionsnedsättning. I dessa studier används ofta frågeformuläret
    Participation in ACTivities and places OUTside home questionnaire (ACT-OUT).


  • *Publikationer*
    Gaber, S., Nygård, L., Kottorp, A., Charlesworth, G., Wallcook, S. &

  • *Malinowsky. C*. (2020). Perceived risks, concession travel pass access and
    everyday technology use for out-of-home participation: cross-sectional
    interviews among older people in the UK. Accepted for publication in /BMC
    *Malinowsky, C.*, Nygård, L., Pantzar, M. &
  • Kottorp, A. (2020). Test-retest
    reliability of the short version of the Everyday Technology Use Questionnaire
    (S-ETUQ). /Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy/, early online.
    Wallcook, S., *Malinowsky, C., * Nygård, L., Charlesworth, G., Lee, J.,
    Walsh, R., Gaber, S. &
  • Kottorp, A. (2020). The perceived challenge of
    Everyday Technology to older adults in different countries. /Scandinavian
    Journal of Occupational Therapy/, early online.
    Carnlöf, C. *Malinowsky, C*., Insulander, P., Gadler, F., Jensen-Urstad, M.
  • Iwarson, M. (2020). The Symptom checklist: Frequency and Severity:
    Translation and Psychometric properties of the Swedish version. /Nordic
    Journal of Nursing Research/, early online.
    Malinowsky, C., Olofsson, A., Nyman, A. &
  • Larsson Lund. M. (2020). Patterns
    of participation: Facilitating and hindering aspects related to places for
    activities outside the home after stroke. /Scandinavian Journal of
    Occupational Therapy/, 27(3): 204-212
    Bartels, S.L., van Knippenberg, R., Dassen, F. C. M., Asaba, E., Patomella,
    A.-H., *Malinowsky, C.*, Verhey, F. &
  • de Vugt, M. (2019). A Narrative
    Synthesis Systematic Review of Digital Self-Monitoring Interventions for
    Middle-Aged and Older Adults. /Internet Interventions/, e-collection.
    Olofsson, A., Nyman, A., Kassberg, A.-C., *Malinowsky, C*. &
  • Larsson Lund, M.
    (2019). Participation in places outside the home after stroke: relationship
    with the severity of disability. /British Journal of Occupational Therapy/,
    early online.
    Wallcook, S., Nygard., L., Kottorp, A. &
  • *Malinowsky, C.* (2019). The use of
    Everyday Information Communication Technologies in the lives of older adults
    living with and without dementia in Sweden. /Assistive Technology/, early
    online./ /
    Bartels, S.L., Assander, S., Patomella, A.-H., Jamnadas-Khoda, J. &

  • *Malinowsky, C. *(2019).* *Do you observe what I perceive? The relationship
    between two perspectives on the ability of people with cognitive impairments
    to use everyday technology./ Ageing &
  • Mental Health/, early online.
    Ballmer, T., Helle, T., Kaptain., R. J., *Malinowsky, C.* &
  • Kottorp, A.
    (2019). Test-retest and inter-rater reliability of the Danish version of the
    META for use with older adults with and without COPD. /Scandinavian Journal
    of Occupational Therapy/, 26(6): 463-474.
    Gaber, S., Nygård, L., Kottorp, A. &
  • *Malinowsky C*. (2019).* *Perceived
    Participation and Everyday Technology Use within Public Space among People
    with and without Dementia. /Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy/, early
    Jakobsson, E., Nygård, L., Kottorp, A. &
  • *Malinowsky, C*. (2019).
    Experiences of using everyday technology for eHealth among older adults with
    cognitive impairment. /Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences,
    Lundberg, V., Boström, A. – M. &
  • *Malinowsky, C*. (2018). A psychometric
    evaluation of the Research Utilization Questionnaire using a Rasch
    Measurement Model. /Scandinavian Journal of /Caring, 32(2): 586-593.
    *Malinowsky, C* &
  • Kottorp, A. Tanemura, R., Nagao, T., Noda, K, Sagara, J.,
    Rosenberg, L., Asaba, E. &
  • Nygård, L. (2018). Everyday technology use among
    older adults in Sweden and Japan: A comparative study. /Scandinavian Journal
    of Occupational /25(6):446-456.
    *Malinowsky, C* &
  • Fallahpour, M, Larsson Lund, M., Nygård, L. &
  • Kottorp, A.
    (2018). Skill clusters of ability to manage everyday technology among people
    with and without cognitive impairment, dementia and acquired brain injury.
    /Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, /25(2): 99-107.
    Kottorp, A., *Malinowsky, C*. Larsson Lund, M. &
  • Nygård. L. (2018). Gender
    and diagnostic impact on everyday technology use – a differential item
    functioning (DIF) analysis of the Everyday Technology Use Questionnaire
    (ETUQ). /Disability &
  • Rehabilitation/, /early online/, 22:1-7.
    Ryd, C., *Malinowsky., C*., Öhman A., Kottorp, A. &
  • Nygård, L. (2018).
    Older adults' experiences of daily life occupations as everyday technology
    changes, /British //Journal of Occupational Therapy, /81(10): 601-608/./
    Ryd, C., Nygård, L., *Malinowsky, C*., Öhman, A. &
  • Kottorp A. (2017). Can
    everyday technology use predict overall functional level among older adults
    with mild cognitive impairment or mild-stage Alzheimer’s disease? – A
    pilot study. /Scandinavian journal of caring sciences/, 31(1), 201-209.
    *Malinowsky, C*, Kottorp, A., Rosenberg, L., Wallin, A., Nordlund, A.,
    Björklund, E., Melin, I., Pernevik, A. &
  • Nygård, L. (2017)/ /Differences in
    the use of everyday technology among persons with MCI, SCI and older adults
    without known cognitive impairment/. International Psychogeriatrics/, 29 (7),
    *Malinowsky, C.*, Kassberg, A. – C., Larsson-Lund, M. &
  • Kottorp, A. (2016).
    The stability of the test-retest reliability of the measures in the
    Management of Everyday Technology Assessment (META) among persons with
    acquired brain injury. /Disability &
  • Rehabilitation, Assistive Technology/,
    11(5), 395-399.
    Hedman, A., Nygård, L., *Malinowsky, C.*, Almkvist, A., &
  • Kottorp, A.
    (2016). Changing everyday activities and technology use in mild cognitive
    impairment. /British Journal of Occupational Therapy, / 79(2), 111-119.
    Kassberg, A. C., Prellwitz, M, *Malinowsky, C*. &
  • Larsson-Lund, M. (2016)
    Interventions aimed at improving the ability to use everyday technology in
    work after brain injury. /Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy/,
    Kottorp A, Nygård L, Hedman A, Öhman A, *Malinowsky C*, Rosenberg L,
    Lindqvist E, &
  • Ryd C (2016). Access to and use of everyday technology among
    older people: An occupational justice issue – but for whom? /Journal of
    Occupational Science/, 23(3), 382-388./ /
    *Malinowsky, C*. &
  • Larsson Lund, M. (2016). The match between everyday
    technology in public space and the ability of working-aged people with ABI to
    use it. /British Journal of Occupational Therapy/, 79(1) 26–34.
    Ryd, C., Nygård, L., *Malinowsky, C*., Öhman, A. &
  • Kottorp, A. (2015).
    Associations between activities of daily living and everyday technology./
    Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy/, 22(1), 33-42.
    *Malinowsky, C* &
  • Kottorp, A. Tanemura, R., Asaba, E., Nagao, T., Noda, K,
    Sagara, J., Bontje, P., Rosenberg, L. &
  • Nygård, L. (2015). Validation of the
    Everyday Technology Use Questionnaire in a Japanese context. /Hong Kong
    Journal of Occupational Therapy/, 26, 1-8.
    *Malinowsky, C.*, Kottorp, A., Patomella, A. – H., Rosenberg, L. &
  • Nygård,
    L. (2015). Changes in the technological landscape over time: Everyday
    technologies relevance and difficulty levels as perceived by older adults
    with and without cognitive impairment. /Technology &
  • Disability/, 27(3),
    91-101*. *
    *Malinowsky, C.*, Rosenberg, L. &
  • Nygård, L. (2014). An approach to
    facilitate healthcare professionals' readiness to support technology use in
    everyday life for persons with dementia*. */Scandinavian Journal of
    Occupational Therapy/, 21(3), 199-209. *
    *Malinowsky, C*. &
  • Larsson Lund, M. The association between perceived and
    observed ability to use everyday technology in working age people with ABI.
    (2014). /Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, /21(6), 465-472/./
    *Malinowsky, C*. &
  • Larsson Lund, M. The association between perceived and
    observed ability to use everyday technology in working age people with ABI.
    (2014). /Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, /21(6), 465-472
    *Malinowsky, * C., Nygård, L. &
  • Kottorp, A. (2014). Using a screening tool to
    evaluate potential use of e-health services for older people with and without
    cognitive impairment. /Aging &
  • Mental Health/, 18 (3), 340-345.
    Kassberg, A. C., *Malinowsky, C*., Jacobsson, L. &
  • Larsson-Lund, M (2013).
    Ability to manage everyday technology after acquired brain injury. Brain
    Injury, 27 (13-14), 1583-38.
    *Malinowsky, C.*, Kottorp, A. &
  • Nygård, L (2013). Everyday technologies'
    levels of difficulty when used by older adults with and without cognitive
    impairment –Comparison of self-perceived versus observed difficulty
    estimates. /Technology and Disability/, 25 (3), 167-176.
    *Malinowsky, C.*, Almkvist, O., Nygård, L. &
  • Kottorp, A. (2012). Individual
    variability and environmental characteristics influence older adults’
    abilities to manage everyday technology.* */International Psychogeriatrics,
    /24 (3), 484-495. *
    Malinowsky, C., Nygård, L. &
  • Kottorp, A. (2011). Psychometric evaluation of
    a new assessment of the ability to manage technology in everyday life.
    /Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy/, 18 (1), 26-35. *
    Patomella, A. – H., Kottorp, A., *Malinowsky, C.* &
  • Nygård, L. (2011).
    Factors that impact the level of difficulty of everyday technology in a
    sample of older adults with and without cognitive impairment. /Technology and
    Disability/, 23 (4), 243-250.
    *Malinowsky, C*., Almkvist, O., Kottorp, A. &
  • Nygård, L. (2010). Ability to
    manage everyday technology: A comparison of persons with dementia or mild
    cognitive impairment and older adults without cognitive impairment.
    /Disability &
  • Rehabilitation, Assistive Technology/, 5 (6), 462-469. *
    * in thesis


Alla övriga publikationer



  • Lektor, Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, Karolinska Institutet, 2020-

Examina och utbildning

  • Docent, Arbetsterapi, Karolinska Institutet, 2020
  • Medicine Doktorsexamen, Institutionen för neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, Karolinska Institutet, 2011

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